Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Back again

I have been remiss in blogging here.
In my life there are many "firsts" I remember with fondness. The first "classical" music I remember was Le Bolero by Ravel. I remember hearing it, on the radio as we had no record player, as my Mother worked in the kitchen. I must have been just 3 or 4 at the time. I knew the music long before I knew what it was called. I find it a very uplifting composition.
The first joke I remember was one Daddy told. I think I was about 8 or 9 years old. We had a power (electricity) fail. Daddy was getting a tilly lamp set up. We all sat around fascinated by this "magic" lamp. Daddy started to tell us a sort of ghost story. This is it. An elderly lady was being tormented by a couple of teenage boys. They would go to her house at night and rattle windows and doors. They pretended to be ghosts. She believed the house was haunted. She went to her local priest. He listened to her story and figured out that someone was playing tricks on her. He also had a good idea who was responsible. Deciding to speak with the boys parents the next day, he also decided not to tell the lady about it. Instead he gave her a large container of Holy Water, about a gallon, and told her to sprinkle some of it where she heard the noises and say "Satan I renounce you!" The lady still a bit nervous went back home with the Holy Water.
Later during the night, she again heard the windows rattling. She got a bit excited and encouraged by the possession of the Holy Water, opened the front door, ran over to the window and exclaimed "Keep back snotty nose or I will drown you!!!"
We fell around laughing.
Time I went to bed. Good night and sweet dreams.


Gerry said...

Link to Le Bolero

Anonymous said...

Well Gerry,
I keep checking to see if you wrote anything else lately, but I see not, so why aren't you doing so?...I am lacking material to read...

PS. See you in about 1 week. Not counting