Monday, May 12, 2008


It is difficult to describe one but I will try by using the words other people have used about me, and the definition of the words
Nice: adjective meaning pleasant, commendable, kind or friendly.
Nice is the most common word used by people to describe me. Sometimes it is used because people can’t think of a more precise word. Other times it is followed by an inevitable….but…. It is a word used by people in work and socially. I am not sure I deserve the accolade. I just think I am being normal.
Naïve: adjective meaning having or expressing innocence and credulity.
The second most common word used. It is funny that one person who used it about me, laughed when I claimed to be an innocent Irishman!!!,lol. I believe that the vast majority of people we meet in our lives are good, honest, and decent, and that is how I treat the people I meet.
Silly: adjective meaning lacking in good sense or absurd.
Again I am sometimes guilty of this charge. We should all be guilty from time to time or life would be very boring. I love being able to be silly, I love the joy that comes from it and I love the freedom to experience it.
Smart: adjective meaning astute, clever or bright.
Ok I will wait a moment for the inevitable laughter to die down……………................................................................
And the giggles…………………………………………..
Yes, believe it or not, it is used quite a bit about me. Again I am not sure if I deserve it. There are many times I wished I was a lot smarter.
Quiet: adjective meaning the state of being silent.
I don’t talk a lot. Sometimes that annoys people and other times people prefer it; a good note on which to end this self-analysis.
By the way I am expecting comments on this!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on Bo...ops Zo...damn ...Gerry