Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring smell

Spring is here. It has a certain smell. I got it Saturday evening as I was opening a gate. It is a smell similar to rotting vegetation but more sharp, even crisp. It happens every spring and when the days start getting warmer and the nights less cold, it results in this signature smell. It is a sign that life goes on and no matter what happens in our personal lives or even the world economy, nature moves on anew each year. I knew someone who understood nature more than anyone. At times it seemed to me that he could read the minds of animals. He understood it's rawness and it's gentleness. It is a shame that so many people have lost that link with nature. So many will not see the growth of Spring that brings food to the shops. People who have never seen a real cow or sheep and will sink their teeth into a burger unaware of what it actually is. Nature is not just a nice weekend in the countryside. We are all part of nature and it is un-natural if we cut ourselves off from it. Anyway, good night and maybe you might try smelling nature sometime :)


cosmln said...

nice words,

Gerry said...

Multumesc Cosmin :)